Monday, November 17, 2008

Twilight Movie

As a nod to one of our most popular reads for our club, we will be going to the new feature presentation of "Twilight" the movie on opening night, Friday, November 21st. All are invited to join in. The showtime we will be going to is at 7:40 pm at the Everett Mall Theaters.

For those interested in just hanging out with the girls and not attending the movie, we will be doing some activities both before and after the movie as well. We will meet at the Everett Mall Food Court at 6:00 pm to select whatever treats our little hearts desire. Following the movie, we will meet at Applebee's at around 10:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend any or all activities! Hope to see everyone there!!

November Book

Heidi Barker will be hosting for November. The book she has chosen to read will be "The Goose Girl" by Shannon Hale. Since the end of the year gets hectic and crazy for everyone, we will be using this book for December as well, so you all should have time to read it!! Our meeting will probably be in the middle of December sometime. We will keep you posted! Happy Reading!

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

On Thursday, October 30th we met at Sarah's house to discuss "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" by Betty Smith. Many of us had a difficult time getting through the whole thing in time, but I think most agreed it was worth it! We had a really great turn-out. Those in attendance were Sarah Williams, Frances Collinwood, Jolyn Thompson, Heidi Barker, Susie Larson, Carrie Howell, Anne Bodily, Audrey Sisco, Julie Johnson, and myself. Thanks to everyone who came!